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However, when the training load on the ‘easy’ day was increased, the horses decompensated rapidly, developing symptoms consistent with the equine equivalent of overtraining syndrome.”ĭuring the 1990s, progress was made estimating workload and loading variation (training monotony). “When training, conducted on a ‘hard day-easy day’ basis, was incremented by increasing the magnitude of training on the ‘hard’ day, the horses responded appropriately and improved their performance in response to the increased training load through several progressive increases in the training load. In the article, “Monitoring Training in Athletes with Reference to Overtraining Syndrome” ( Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, July 1988), Carl Foster stated: This concept was used decades ago as a training tool to reduce poor performance in horseracing. Many sport scientists are currently researching how daily load, periodic monotony, and the resulting strain from the relationship of the two affect performance. Strain refers to how hard someone is working based on the accumulation of work done over time, usually the week. Sports performance training concerns acute loading and changes in loading over time. The challenge with sports training is to make sure that biological loading is effective while motivation, or willingness to train, continues with physical improvement. Training monotony audits the variability of the load but doesn’t promise adaptation or even improvement. Training monotony is a metric that evaluates loading fluctuations rather than exercise repetition. An athlete can become mentally bored with a training program that still physically promotes improvement. Instead, it’s actually a metric that evaluates loading fluctuations. It’s easy to mistake training monotony as the repetition of doing the same thing over and over until boredom sets in. What is Training Monotony Scientifically?


In this article, I’ll define training monotony and explain its value to coaches and how to improve it without compromising training goals. The combination of acute total daily loading, weekly, or microcycle training monotony, and the interaction in a strain score helps safeguard against overtraining and injury. These simple visualizations and scoring, however, provide a good start to estimate work. Loading the body will never truly be represented by bar charts because our bodies are more complicated than one summary on a graph.

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At the same time, the slow boil of low variability in training with moderate loads warns us that the stimulus is too conservative, and the rest is not deep enough to restore athletes. New research shows that spikes in workloads are clearly factors in non-contact injuries. Progressive Athletic Performance provides inexpensive templates for coaches wanting a simple summary of their training load. Load management is more than just a simple summary of work done, but a summary is a good start. The purpose of measuring monotony, load, and strain is to increase work quality while decreasing injuries. Total load and type of load stress will develop as finer metrics of adaptation, and coaches will need to consider how the body responds to types of stress, not just totals and accumulation. As coaches improve the ways they use biological modeling, we can expect training monotony to rapidly evolve to accommodate the new innovations in coaching science. Training monotony is an important element to making an athlete’s season successful. While social media buzz has rekindled the old concept of training monotony, I believe we should stop using training monotony as a way to summarize a program and start focusing on modeling with the assistance of classical evaluation using strain indices and workload variability.

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